Retrospektive Analyse der zwei Seehundstaupe-Epidemien in der Nord-und Ostsee 1988 und 2002

Berliner Und Munchener Tierarztliche Wochenschrift(2007)

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The relapse of the outbreak of the phocine distemper virus in the Danish island of Anholt this June, emphasizes the importance of the topic among experts. During the phocine distemper virus (PDV) epidemic in 1988, a total of 23,000 harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) died. In 2002 a second outbreak of PDV resulted in the death of more than 30,000 harbor seals. Both epidemics originated near the Danish island of Anholt and spread to adjacent colonies. Additional centres of infection were observed in the Dutch Wadden Sea far from the infected Danish seal populations. Arctic seals and grey seals were considered as vectors. Grey seal populations may serve as a reservoir for PDV or act as subclinically infected carriers of the virus between Arctic and North Sea seal populations. Mixed colonies of grey and harbour seals are widely distributed in the North and Baltic Seas. The role of environmental contaminants and their potential impact on immune function are discussed. The duration and geographical patterns of the two PDV epidemics are compared.
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