Impact of Fastener-Deck Attachment on the Wind Uplift Resistance of Mechanically Attached Roofing Systems

AEI 2008(2008)

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A roofing system (RS) consists of a waterproof membrane, mechanical attachments, cover board (if present), insulation, and vapor or air barrier (retarder — if present). A roof assembly (RA) is defined as an RS that includes a structural deck. Wind uplift ratings are obtained by subjecting RA mockups to dynamic wind loading. Mechanically Attached Roofing Systems (MARS) are one particular type of roof assemblies in which the membrane is attached to the structural deck using mechanical fasteners. The strength of the fastener-deck interface is an important aspect in the successful design of the wind uplift resistance of mechanically attached roof systems. To quantify the fastener-deck interface influence on the wind uplift performance of MARS, seven different roofing assemblies were constructed and tested under dynamic conditions. The experimental investigation identified three parameters namely deck grade, deck gauge and fastener type that have influence on the wind uplift resistance of MARS. Based on this component characterization, fastener pullout resistance (FPR) is identified as a verification factor for system wind resistance estimation.
wind uplift resistance,attached roofing systems,fastener-deck
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