
Influence of Storage Conditions on Change of Hemp Seed Quality

Sangtiwa Suriyong,Nattasak Krittigamas, Sarita Pinmanee, Adirek Punyalue,Suchada Vearasilp

Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia(2015)

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Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.); is an alternative fiber crop has been developed mostly in highland. Because seed production are varies in area and time consuming, storage conditions of surplus seed is needed to determine for mass fiber production. The split-split plot was designed which main plot were hemp 4 cultivars, sub-plot were 5 conditions, and storage time were sub-sub-plot. The seeds were packed in aluminum foil and stored at room temperature and 15, 4 and -4°C compared with seal plastic bag condition kept at room temperature. The seed was sampling and tested the qualities before and each month after storage for 12 months. The result found that hemp varieties, storage conditions, time and the interaction between them had significant affect on hemp seed qualities. Before storage, the seed moisture content (mc) of cv. RPF 1, RPF 2, RPF 3 and RPF 4 were 7.7, 8.62, 6.52 and 7.68%, respectively and the germinations were 92, 85, 90 and 91%. During storage, the mc of seed stored in plastic bag was varies due to seed moisture equilibrium. The germination and vigor of seed cv. RPF 1, RPF 3 and RPF 4 packed in both materials type at room temperature was unchanged during 6 months storage, while the seed contained in plastic bag showed the most adverse effect on decrease of viability. During first 3 months, the conditions also significantly affected on decline of germination and vigor of hemp seed cv. RPF 2 which decline to be lesser than 30% during 8 - 12 months. The change of germination and vigor of hemp seed cv. RPF 1, RPF 3 and RPF 4 stored at 15, 4 and -4°C were not significantly difference during a year of storage. Therefore, type of cold room (15°C) was suggested to be the best condition for hemp seed storage.
hemp,storage time,condition,seed quality
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