Diffractive Photoproduction of J / Mesonswith Large Momentum Transfer at HERA

A Aktas,V Andreev,T Anthonis,A Astvatsatourov,A Babaev,S Backovic,P Baranov,E Barrelet,W Bartel,S Baumgartner,J K Becker, M Beckingham,A Beglarian,O Behnke,O Behrendt,A Belousov,Ch Berger,T Berndt,W Braunschweig,V Brisson,H B Br Quot, Oker, D P Brown, D Bruncko, F W B Quot, Usser,A Bunyatyan, A Burrage, G Buschhorn,L Bystritskaya,Alan Campbell, S Caron, F Cassolbrunner,V Chekelian, Donald A Clarke, Caroline Collard, J G Contreras,A De Roeck, E A De Wolf, C Diaconu, J Dingfelder,P Dixon


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