Zemahşerî’nin Kıraatleri Kabul Şartları

Marmara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi(2015)

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Oz: Mutezile mezhebine mensup âlimlerin onde gelen simalarindan olan Mahmud b. Omer b. Muhammed b. Omer’dir. Kunyesi Ebu’l-Kâsim ez-Zemahseri’nin (467-538/1075-1144) el-Kessâf an hakâiki gavâmizi’t-tenzil ve ‘uyuni’l-ekâvil fi vucuhi’t-te’vil isimli eserinin, tefsir literaturunde onemli bir yere sahip oldugu bilinmektedir. Kessâf, hacim itibariyle, muhtasar bir tefsir olmasina ragmen, Zemahseri onda, sahih-sâz, pek cok kiraat ihtilafi nakletmistir. O, kiraatleri naklederken onlarin sahih veya sâz olduklarini genellikle belirtmemistir. Ayrica naklettigi kiraatleri kurrâdan kimlerin okudugunu da genellikle zikretmemis; kiraat-i seb‘a imamlarinin isimlerini ise nadiren anmistir. O, tefsirinde kiraatleri kabulde gozettigi ilkelerin ne/neler oldugunu aciklamamis; bununla birlikte, bazi kiraatleri Arap dili acisindan tenkide tabi tutmustur. Zemahseri’nin Kessâf’inda takip ettigi bu genel metottan hareketle onun kiraatleri kabulde benimsedigi ilkelerin neler oldugu merak konusu olmustur. Bu makalede, sahih kiraatin uc sartina riayet(sizlik) acisindan Zemahseri’nin durumu tespit edilecek; boylece Zemahseri’nin kiraatleri kabul sartlari ortaya konulacaktir. Ele alinan konular, Kessâf’tan secilen ornekler uzerinden, diger kaynaklarla da mukayeseli bir sekilde, ele alinacaktir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kur’ân, Zemahseri, Kessâf, Tefsir, Kiraat, Sahih, Sâz. al-Zamakhshari’s Conditions for the Validity of Qiraats (Variant Readings of the Qur’an) Abstract: al-Zamakhshari (467-538/1075-1144) is one of the most important Mu’tazilite scholars. It is known that al-Zamakhshari’s commantary whose name is al-Kashshaf has an importance place in Qur’ân commantary’s literature. Dispate it is short commantary al-Zamakhshari narratives a lot of canonical/authentic (saheeh) and non-canonical (shadhdh) qiraats (variant readings of the Qur’an) in al-Kashshaf. He generally does not specify qiraats as canonical and non-canonical. In addition he mostly does not mention about readers’ (reciters) names and rarely gives the seven canonical readers’ names. He does not clarify the conditions to accept qiraats as authentic (saheeh); however he criticizes some qiraats (readings) in terms of Arabic language. It has been the matter of interest that what Zamakhshari’s conditions for the validity of a qiraats. In this article it is argued that the state of al-Zemakhshari in terms of conditions for the validity of qiraats. In this way it will be determined his conditions to accept qiraats as authentic. The topic will be explained through some examples which are chosen from al-Kashshaf comparatively with other sources. Keywords: Qur’an, commentary (tafseer), al-Zamakhshari, al- Kashshaaf, Qiraat, Variant Readings of the Qur’an, validity/authentic (saheeh), non-canonical (shadhdh).
Byzantine Understanding of Qur'an
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