Analytic Continuation By Averaging Pade Approximants


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The ill-posed analytic continuation problem for Green's functions and self-energies is investigated by revisiting the Pade approximants technique. We propose to remedy the well-known problems of the Pade approximants by performing an average of several continuations, obtained by varying the number of fitted input points and Pade coefficients independently. The suggested approach is then applied to several test cases, including Sm and Pr atomic self-energies, the Green's functions of the Hubbard model for a Bethe lattice and of the Haldane model for a nanoribbon, as well as two special test functions. The sensitivity to numerical noise and the dependence on the precision of the numerical libraries are analyzed in detail. The present approach is compared to a number of other techniques, i.e., the nonnegative least-squares method, the nonnegative Tikhonov method, and the maximum entropy method, and is shown to perform well for the chosen test cases. This conclusion holds even when the noise on the input data is increased to reach values typical for quantum Monte Carlo simulations. The ability of the algorithm to resolve fine structures is finally illustrated for two relevant test functions.
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Continuum Solvation Models
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