Electrocardiographic indices of clinically healthy Chios sheep

Veterinary Science Development(2015)

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Information regarding normal electrocardiographic features of different breeds of animals can help veterinarians to detect any abnormalities in cardiac electrical activities. The current research was conducted to present the normal electrocardiographic indices of clinically healthy Chios ewes and lambs. The electrocardiograms were recorded from clinically healthy Chios ewes (n=27; 2-3 years old) and lambs (n=20; 4-6 months old) by using base apex lead system. T and QRS-duration in lambs were significantly lower than adult Chios ewes. The electrocardiographic amplitudes in lambs were lower than ewes, non-significantly. P-R, R-R, Q-T and S-T intervals in Chios lambs were significantly lower than ewes. No normal sinus rhythm was detected in Chios lambs. The proportion of sinus arrhythmia and sinus tachycardia in lambs was significantly more than ewes. Sino-atrial block was also detected in lambs. Based on the presented data it could be stated that aging can affect electrocardiographic findings of Chios sheep. Finally, our results will provide a good basis for judging the electrocardiograms in base apex lead system of Chios lambs and ewes.
electrocardiographic indices,sheep
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