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Clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with chronic hepatitis c in a tertiary care hospital in northern India

Journal of clinical and experimental hepatology(2013)

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Aim: To study the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection in a tertiary care set-up. Methods: This was a prospective analysis of all patients attended to OPD or admitted as inpatient in the ward of Department of Gastroenterology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi over a period of 2 years i.e. from January 2011 up to December 2012. Baseline epidemiologic data was collected in a printed performa. Investigations were recorded at the first visit or admission. Patients were treated according to the standard protocol of our hospital; however, that data is shown in this study. Patients who were planned for antiviral therapy only further investigated for HCV RNA and genotype. Patients were divided into three groups: 1) Chronic Hepatitis C infection 2) Compensated cirrhosis and 3) Decompensated cirrhosis Statistical analysis was done in SPSS 16, applying independent t-test and one-way ANOVA test. Results: The baseline epidemiologic data is shown in Table.1. The mean HCV RNA was 1109566±208590 IU/mL. Applying one-way ANOVA test the SGOT, Serum Albumin level, Hemoglobin and Platelet count significantly differed among the three groups (Table.2). Conclusion: Provided the epidemiologic profile of chronic hepatitis C patients of this region in a hospital set-up. Compensated cirrhosis was the most common presentation followed by chronic hepatitis C infection and decompensated cirrhosis. Healthcare providers should have low threshold for anti-HCV testing to pick-up cases earlier so that patients could be provided antiviral therapy before decompensation. Table. 1: Epidemiological characteristics of Chronic hepatitis C patients (overall, n=80).Table 1Baseline epidemiological dataVariableValuesAge (years)45.26 ± 11.77BMI (Kg/m2)23.16±2.86Sex (M:F)2.2:1Urban:Rural1.35:1Risk FactorsUnknown- 32 (40%); Blood Transfusion- 29 (36.25%); Past history of surgery- 11 (13.75%); Tattoo- 3 (3.75%); IVdrug abusers- 2 (2.5%)Raised AFP12 (15%)Types of Liver diseaseDecompensated-14 (17.5%)Compensated-35 (43.75%)Chronic HCV infection- 31 (38.75%)Genotype1 - 8 (10%)2 - 5 (6.25%)3 - 31 (38.75%)Not done - 38(45%)HCV RNA (IU/ml)1109566±208590 Open table in a new tab Table 2Baseline parameters of Chronic Hepatitis C patientsParameterChronic hepatitis CCompensated cirrhosisDecompensated cirrhosisPBMI (Kg/m2)23.91±2.2922.88±3.0722.21±3.250.13SGOT (U/L)66.82±20.81115.55±89.1185.50±62.370.04SGPT (U/L)90.22±39.4876.32±55.4173.92±62.230.54Serum Albumin (g/dl)3.95±0.733.19±0.692.75±0.400.001Hb (g/dl)12.99±1.7810.3±2.2710.75±2.060.001TLC (mm3)8.532±2.5919.211±6.756.81±3.170.31Platelets (x 106/mm3)2.27±0.431.15±0.250.8±0.680.001 Open table in a new tab
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