Neuromuscular Aspects of Anticipation in Preparing the Body for the Contact Structure in Motrice Performance

Sport Science Review(2014)

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Abstract Anticipation is a crucial factor in acquiring motor skills. Generally, the anticipation involves the presence of a proactive control. The success of some actions in the sporting events depends on the player’s ability to quickly perceive the situations and to react immediately on them. In this context, anticipation refers to the response triggered by a stimulus before it appears. The difference between the anticipation and reaction rest in the fact that the reaction occurs after the stimulus appears, as for the anticipation, the neuromuscular mobilization occurs before the moment triggered by the appearance of the stimulus. Both concepts are interrelated. Therefore, an optimal anticipation will lead to an apparently very good reaction response, using different, by nature and location, mechanisms in the psycho-neuromotor chain. The goal of this research paper is to highlight certain objective elements in the dynamic training of the body forfuture contact and, after that to obtain an indicatory optimal anticipation, with the intention to use it in the primary selection phase in sports, demanding highly coordination skills.
Muscle Adaptations,Motor Skills Development
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