Measurement of jet charge in dijet events from sqrt(s)=8 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

G Aad, S Albrand, J Collot,S Creperenaudin, P A Delsart, C Gabaldon,M H Genest,Jeanyves Hostachy, F Ledroitguillon, A Lleres, A Lucotte, F Malek, C Monini,J Stark, B Trocme,M Wu, G Rahal,Z Barnovska, N Berger,M Delmastro, L Di Ciaccio, S Elles, C Goy,T Hryn Ova,S Jezequel,I Koletsou, R Lafaye, J Leveque, N Massol, G Sauvage, E Sauvan,P Mastrandrea, O Simard,Theodore Todorov,Elena Yatsenko, I Wingerterseez,Mohamad Kassem Ayoub, A Bassalat, C Becot,S Binet, C Bourdarios, David Delgove,Jb De Vivie De Regie, L Duflot,M Escalier,L Fayard,D Fournier,Evangelos Leonidas Gkougkousis, Jf Grivaz, T Guillemin,F Hariri,S Henrotversille, J Hrivnac,L Iconomidoufayard, M Kado, A Lounis,N Makovec,N Morange,Clara Nellist,P Petroff, L Poggioli,P Puzo,Adrien Renaud, David Rousseau, G Rybkin, A C Schaffer,E Scifo, L Serin, S Simion, R Tanaka, D Zerwas,Ze Zhang, Yun Zhao, L Alio,Marlon Barbero, Y Coadou, C Diaconu, S Diglio,F Djama, O Duccu, L Feligioni,J Gao,G D Hallewell, F Hubaut,S Kahn,E B F G Knoops,E Le Guirriec, Jiangbo Liu,K Liu, D Madaffari,Kazuya Mochizuki, E Monnier,Steve Muanza,Y Nagai,E Nagy, P Pralavorio, A Rozanov,Thomas Serre, M Talby,R E Ticse Torres, E Tiouchichine, S Tisserant, J Toth, F Touchard, L Vacavant, D Boumediene,E Busato,D Calvet, S Calvet, J Donini, E Dubreuil,Geoffrey Gilles, Ph Gris,Hongbo Liao, R Madar, D Pallin,S M Romano Saez, C Santoni, D Simon,Timothee Theveneauxpelzer, F Vazeille


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The momentum-weighted sum of the charges of tracks associated to a jet is sensitive to the charge of the initiating quark or gluon. This paper presents a measurement of the distribution of momentum ...
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