Accidental Corrosive Acid Intoxication - a Case Report

M Chand Meena,R Band,Saurabh Mittal


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Background: Acute poisonings with corrosive substances cause serious chemical injuries to upper gastrointestinal tract, the most common site being the oesophagus and the stomach. The degree and extent of damage depends on several factors like the type of substance, the morphologic form of the agent, the quantity, and the intent. In the acute stage, perforation and necrosis may occur. Injury to UGI tract due to ingestion of acidic corrosive substances is common in India. Acute corrosive intoxications constitute a major problem in clinical toxicology since the most commonly affected population are the young with psychic disorders, suicidal intent and alcohol addiction.Case Report: We report a fatal case of accidental corrosive acid ingestion with a brief review of literature.Conclusion: Ingestion of a corrosive substance can produce severe injury to the gastrointestinal tract and can even result in death. Stringent legislation is necessary in developing countries to curtail unrestricted access of adults to dangerous corrosive chemicals.
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