Architecture for centralizing healthcare services

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies(2015)

Cited 22|Views10
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Despite the technological advances, healthcare systems still face several issues. One of the most important is the lack of communication between systems or the communication process speed. If the information about a patient is not promptly shared in time between services, it may jeopardise the practicioner-pacient relationship. In a worse scenario, the system can even become a handicap and turn the Healthcare processes down into a state of total uselessness. A lot has been done in Portugal to enable the interconnection of external healthcare applications with the ones used in the National Health Service. In this article we present an architecture to facilitate this interconnection. Based on a REST architecture and HL7 communication standards, it connects two current solutions, one for melanoma and one for blood donors, with a central healthcare data repository of the National Healthcare Service.
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HL7,REST,ROA,Healthcare Systems
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