Risky Sexual Transactions across Global Regions: Patterns and Clues from a Lagos-Based Study

Research on humanities and social sciences(2013)

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Based on the premises that the dominant analytical orientation of research on mobility-related sexuali ty is grossly inadequate and the incessant calls for inno vative and responsive research and methodological d esign to address the issue, this paper explores certain gaps in the risk-sexuality inclinations of a Lagos-base d group of circulatory traders. Employing relevant circulatory -cum- sexuality data of the study group, acquired b y a combination of purposive and stratified random sampling designs, the paper employed a set-theoretic ap proach to the study population along a novel 'origin-desti nation' by 'risky-cum-riskless' sexuality profile. The study compared the levels and dynamics in the c ommittal of three specific risk-sexuality variables . It went further to examine how the study population is stru ctured in the context of the devised 'origin-destin ation' by 'risk-riskless-sexuality' grouping. Further, it als o examined how the pattern differentiated the categ orized regional destinations, in terms of the risk-designa tion status of their visitors. The study among oth ers discovered the tendency for greater intensity of risky-sexuali ty locally than at external destinations; a modal p ercentage of 'origin-destination' riskless group, but characteri sed by the least mobility rate, and also a small si ze 'origin- destination' risky subgroup, but which has the grea test spatial mobility rate. The paper finally explo res the research and intervention clues of its findings.
risky sexual transactions,global regions,lagos-based
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