Les conflits humains-faune en Afrique: causes, consequences et strategies de gestion

F Lamarque, John E Anderson,R Fergusson, Mike Lagrange, Y Oseiowusu, Leontine E H Bakker, J Redorta,G Aguilar, A Iza, P Heylings, V L P Frank,C Pinto,Prins C Benegas L, J Faustino, I Gentes,G Davila, H Olazaval, A Santandreu, E Gudynas, H Dario Correa, Ivan Sanchez Rodriguez, F Geilfus, R Borel, B Miranda, M Carnap, D Buckles, P Girot, Maria Goretti Fonseca, Ana Varea, Paola A Ortiz, E Martinez, T Bustamante, M Navarro, P A Garzon, H Villamil,Ana Garces, G Lopes, R Walton, B Aguilar, L Vargas Umana,M Adams, M Bradbury, I H Mojica, Gema Carvajal, P Ortiz T, C Pendzich


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Key words
nature reserves,climatic change,human behaviour,ethnic groups,groundwater table,water resources,resource management,social participation,environmental management,human ecology,environmental impact assessment,environmental degradation,natural resources,evaluation,environmental protection,management,cartography,planning,logging,irrigation systems,social change,ecosystems,regulations,forestry,fauna,water use,wildlife,environment,environmental impact,governance,sustainability,water conservation,risk management,petroleum,poverty,watershed management,resource depletion,wetlands,developing countries
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