Voxel-based Investigations of Phase Mask Effects on Susceptibility Weighted Images

Progress in Medical Physics(2013)

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To investigate effects of phase mask on susceptibility-weighted images (SWI) using voxel-based analyses in normal elderly subjects. A three-dimensional (3D) gradient echo sequence ran to obtain SWIs in 20 healthy elderly subjects. SWIs with two (SWI2) and four (SWI4) phase multiplications were achieved with positive (PSWI) and negative (NSWI) phase masks to investigate phase mask effects. The voxel-based comparisons were performed using paired t-tests between PSWI and NSWI and between SWI2 and SWI4. Differences of signal intensities between magnitude images and SWI4 were larger than those between magnitude images and SWI2s. Differences of signal intensities between magnitude images and PSWIs were larger than those between magnitude images and NSWIs. Moreover, the signal intensities from NSWI2s and NSWI4s were greater than those from PSWI2s and PSWI4s, respectively. More differences of signal intensities between NSWI4 and PSWI4s were found than those between NSWI2s and PSWI2s in the whole brain images. The voxel-based analyses of SWI could be beneficial to investigate susceptibility differences on the entire brain areas. The phase masking method could be chosen to enhance brain tissue contrast rather than to enhance venous blood vessels. Therefore, it is recommended to apply voxel-based analyses of SWI to investigate clinical applications.
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Susceptibility Weighted Imaging,Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
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