Usability of RemindMe – An Interactive Web-Based Mobile Reminder Calendar: : A Professional's Perspective

Vedrana Bolic Baric, Valerie Tegelstrom, Erik Ekblad,Helena Hemmingsson

Studies in Health Technology and Informatics(2015)

Cited 4|Views1
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Aim: The aim of the study was to examine the usability of an interactive web-based mobile reminder calendar (RemindMe) developed for supporting individuals in organizing, planning and executing activities in everyday life, from the perspectives of professionals. Methods and material: Eleven professionals working in community services evaluated the usability of RemindMe in their clinical practice. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and analysed with inductive qualitative analysis. Results: The professionals perceived that RemindMe was useful, easy to use, and intuitive. There was a need among professionals for a web-based reminder calendar that requires the active acknowledgement of reminders. RemindMe's feedback system offering self-monitored information based on the user's interaction with the system supported the professionals in discussions, evaluation, and follow-up based on the needs of the persons with cognitive impairments. Conclusion: The results indicate that RemindMe may be potentially useful to professionals who provide support to individuals with cognitive impairments. However, further research is needed to evaluate experience of using RemindMe from the perspective of individuals with cognitive impairments.
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Key words
Cognitive impairments,active prompts,mobile phone,short text message (SMS),feed-back system
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