Optimal Colorings with Rainbow Paths

Graphs and Combinatorics(2017)

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Let G be a connected graph of chromatic number k . For a k -coloring f of G , a full f -rainbow path is a path of order k in G whose vertices are all colored differently by f . We show that G has a k -coloring f such that every vertex of G lies on a full f -rainbow path, which provides a positive answer to a question posed by Lin (Simple proofs of results on paths representing all colors in proper vertex-colorings, Graphs Combin. 23 2007 , 201–203). Furthermore, we show that if G has a cycle of length 0 modulo k , then G has a k -coloring f such that, for every vertex u of G , some full f -rainbow path begins at u , which solves a problem posed by Bessy and Bousquet (Colorful paths for 3-chromatic graphs, arXiv:1503.00965v1 ) and verifies some special cases of a conjecture of Akbari et al. (Colorful paths in vertex coloring of graphs, preprint). Finally, we establish some more results on the existence of optimal colorings with (directed) full rainbow paths.
Chromatic number,Circular chromatic number,Rainbow path
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