Educative animations for circadian rhythm sleep disorders: jet lag disorder

Revista Neurociências(2014)

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Background. The jet lag disorder is caused by a desynchronization between the biological clock and the local time zone. It occurs when a person travels across time zones in a short space of time causing sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal disorders, decrease of alertness, and impairment of daytime function. The aim of this study was to create an animation to help people to understand and be awareness about this disturbance, in international flights. Method. A literature and marketing research with a creation of an animation, divided in three phases: to define public and communication type, creation and development of the animation Results. The animation was a history in a media format (AVI), with a script, characters, and familiar sce­narios, creating a closer bond between the animation and the travelers. Conclusion. The animation to give information about the jet lag was created and is a good educative format and can have a positive impact in health reducing their symptoms impact and improving their qual­ity of life during international flights. Video Programa do Dr. Hans
circadian rhythm sleep disorders,sleep disorders,educative animations
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