A Recognized Value System among Nurses Working in Poland

Beata Bajurna, Anna Galęba, Jerzy T. Marcinkowski

Open Journal of Nursing(2015)

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Aim of this work was to present a study indicating the recognized system of values of nursing units in healthcare entities in Poland.Professionally active nurses (249) employed in medicinal entities were subjects in the study.A random selection of individuals was applied in the study, and the participation in the research was declared by respondents consent to participate in it.A survey was used as the main form of measurement, and it was divided into direct and indirect survey.A standardized Rokeach's scale of values [1] [2] consisting of two collections, each of which included 18 single values, was used.They were ranked by tested individuals according to the hierarchy of their values which allowed for recognizing which are the most important for them.Kruskal-Wallis's test was applied in the study.Results: The social position is the most important value for nurses working in the district medical entities.For those working in the regional medical units, the most appreciated value is being ambitious, whereas in the clinical self-esteem.The socio-demographic data such as age, length of service, levels of education differentiate assessments of each recognized values in the group of nurses.The women between 31 and 40 consider being ambitious as the most important value, between 41 and 50 responsibility and between 20 and 30 self-esteem; responsibility is the most appreciated value for people with 21 -25 years of experience because the older and more experienced the nurse is, the stronger her sense of responsibility becomes.A social position was appreciated the most by the nurses holding a nursing degree.Conclusions: There have been significant differences in terms of accepted values between nurses working in the district, provincial and clinical medical entities.Socio-demographic data such as age, length of service, education levels differentiate assessment of each recognized value in the group of nurses.
value system
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