Cover crops alter phosphorus soil fractions and organic matter accumulation in a Peruvian cacao agroforestry system

Bressani R Estrada Ligorria L Garcia Soto A, Aguiar A Kass D C Mora G A Hilje L, Moreno T Schlonvoigt A, T D Coto Alfaro, T B Moreno M,Haggar J Uc Reyes C E, Valverde B E Merayo A Reeder R Riches C R, Patricia Bonilla, R Hoss, Ubeda Zeledon N M Rivera Altamirano I J,R Bonilla, Monreal C Diaz O Bertsch F, A Jara Flores, M J, Guerrero B Gordon R Herrera D Bolanos J, Franco J Gracia N Degonzalez A Gordon R Bolanos J,Jaramillo I C J Corredor Duarte G,Zea J L Raun W R Barreto H J,Raun W R Barreto H J, Ramis C Viera J Vargas R,J L Zea,Rodriguez D Varela E Rosas J C,Oseibonsu P Buckles D Soza F R Asibuo J Y, Larios B L Perez C Soto N Raun W R, Zea J L Soto N Larios E Raun W R, R Bunch, Valladares C Sain G,Mendoza C Sosa H, Walle R J Viteri S E,Vargas R E Leon A Escobar A


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