Peek-a-boo : finding and connecting with your customers


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Describes how a new strategic logic is emerging in marketing that is based on factors other than the economic advantages of traditional marketing channels, including: the critical importance of brands; competitive advantage from enhanced market-sensing capabilities; the impact of escalating consumer power; the priorities for effective supply chain configuration; and strategic fit. Pays particular attention to the type of strategic logic that should be used to shape value chain strategy (conventional decision logic, strategic logic for value chain reinvention), and observes some of the possible reinvention models that could be applied, including: digital channels and their ability to extend marketing domains; multi-channelling to reduce critical dependencies; channel invasion by adopting a new strategic logic; channel reinvention to tap into new ways of reaching the customer; and rethinking value chain strategy. Concludes by proposing a process for identifying new value chain opportunities that involves: evaluating value chain structure and trends; analysing value chain relationships quality; assessing relative customer loyalty; identifying the profit pool; and isolating strategic objectives and costs and risks.
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