From P-Arks To P-Hubs Moving From The Idea Of The Protected Areas As Noah'S Arks To The Concept Of Parks As Places Of Meeting And Sharing (Hubs) Of Wider And More Efficient Frameworks

Paolo Pigliacelli,Corrado Teofili


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The experience of the Italian national parks shows what we might call, using an oxymoron, "the opportunity of limits," i.e., the potential economic and social benefits resulting from the application of a natural resources management aimed at their conservation. The opportunities created by the presence of a protected area that get across in the sustainable management of tourism and high-quality agricultural products promotion have yet to be identified and defined from different aspects (e.g., from the construction industry to services, from transport to crafts). The future of parks management and role in a wider context cannot be meant as going back to the "park = Noah's ark" that just saves animal species regardless of the context, and without the participation of the stakeholders, the future will be having a sort of "park hub" or a hub with many links that radiate throughout the territory and the stakeholders, a kind of management model of sustainable development that can support nature needs, companies, residents, and visitors. In order to run the "park hub," a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of management as reaffirmed in Jeju is necessary. It is important also to define a clear distinction between the park role as guarantor of the scientific guidelines for the conservation of nature and its role of conveying suggestions and good practices for sustainability.
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Key words
Parks management,Sustainable development,National protected areas framework,Green economy
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