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Planck early results. XXV. Thermal dust in nearby molecular clouds

Alain Abergel,P A R Ade,N Aghanim,M Arnaud,M Ashdown,J Aumont,C Baccigalupi,Andre Luis Balbi,A J Banday,R B Barreiro,J G Bartlett,E Battaner,K Benabed,A Benoit,J P Bernard,M Bersanelli,R Bhatia,J J Bock,A Bonaldi,J R Bond,J Borrill,F R Bouchet,F Boulanger,M Bucher,C Burigana,P Cabella,J F Cardoso,A Catalano,L Cayon,A Challinor,A Chamballu,L Y Chiang,C Chiang,P R Christensen,D L Clements,S Colombi,F Couchot,A Coulais,B P Crill,F Cuttaia,L Danese,R D Davies,R J Davis,P De Bernardis,G De Gasperis,A De Rosa,G De Zotti,J Delabrouille,J M Delouis,F X Desert,C Dickinson,Kazuhito Dobashi,S Donzelli,O Dore,U Dorl,M Douspis,X Dupac,G Efstathiou,T A Enslin,H K Eriksen,F Finelli,O Forni,M Frailis,E Franceschi,S Galeotta,K Ganga,M Giard,G Giardino,Y Giraudheraud,J Gonzaleznuevo,K M Gorski,S Gratton,A Gregorio,A Gruppuso,V Guillet,F K Hansen,D Harrison,S Henrotversille,D Herranz,S R Hildebrandt,E Hivon,M P Hobson,W A Holmes,W Hovest,R J Hoyland,K M Huffenberger,A H Jaffe, A P Jones,W C Jones,M Juvela,E Keihanen,R Keskitalo,T S Kisner,R Kneissl,L Knox,H Kurkisuonio,G Lagache,J M Lamarre,A N Lasenby,Rene J Laureijs,C R Lawrence,S Leach,R Leonardi,C Leroy,M Lindenvornle,M Lopezcaniego,P M Lubin,J F Maciasperez,C J Mactavish,B Maffei,N Mandolesi,Robert G Mann,Michael B Maris,D J Marshall,P Martin,E Martinezgonzalez,S Masi,Sabino Matarrese,F Matthai,P Mazzotta,Peregrine M Mcgehee,Peter Meinhold,Alessandro Melchiorri,L Mendes,A Mennella,Sanjit K Mitra,M A Mivilledeschenes,A Moneti,L Montier,G Morgante,D Mortlock,D Munshi,A Murphy,P Naselsky,P Natoli,C B Netterfield,H U Norgaardnielsen,F Noviello,D Novikov,Igor D Novikov,S Osborne,F Pajot,R Paladini,F Pasian,G Patanchon,O Perdereau,L Perotto,F Perrotta,F Piacentini,M Piat,S Plaszczynski,E Pointecouteau,G Polenta,N Ponthieu,T Poutanen,G Prezeau,S Prunet,J L Puget,William T Reach,R Rebolo,M Reinecke,C Renault,S Ricciardi,T Riller,I Ristorcelli,G Rocha,C Rosset,J A Rubinomartin,B Rusholme,M Sandri,Denis Roda Dos Santos,G Savini,Dana S Scott,M D Seiffert,P Shellard,George F Smoot,J L Starck,F Stivoli,V Stolyarov,R Sudiwala,J F Sygnet,J A Tauber,L Terenzi,L Toffolatti,M Tomasi,J P Torre,M Tristram,J Tuovinen,G Umana,L Valenziano,L Verstraete,P Vielva,F Villa,N Vittorio,L A Wade,Benjamin D Wandelt,D Yvon,A Zacchei,A Zonca


Cited 249|Views7
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Planck allows unbiased mapping of Galactic sub-millimetre and millimetre emission from the most diffuse regions to the densest parts of molecular clouds. We present an early analysis of the Taurus molecular complex, on line-of-sight-averaged data and without component separation. The emission spectrum measured by Planck and IRAS can be fitted pixel by pixel using a single modified blackbody. Some systematic residuals are detected at 353 GHz and 143 GHz, with amplitudes around -7% and +13%, respectively, indicating that the measured spectra are likely more complex than a simple modified blackbody. Significant positive residuals are also detected in the molecular regions and in the 217 GHz and 100 GHz bands, mainly caused by the contribution of the J = 2 -> 1 and J = 1 -> 0 (CO)-C-12 and (CO)-C-13 emission lines. We derive maps of the dust temperature T, the dust spectral emissivity index beta, and the dust optical depth at 250 mu m tau(250). The temperature map illustrates the cooling of the dust particles in thermal equilibrium with the incident radiation field, from 16-17 K in the diffuse regions to 13-14 K in the dense parts. The distribution of spectral indices is centred at 1.78, with a standard deviation of 0.08 and a systematic error of 0.07. We detect a significant T - beta anti-correlation. The dust optical depth map reveals the spatial distribution of the column density of the molecular complex from the densest molecular regions to the faint diffuse regions. We use near-infrared extinction and Hi data at 21-cm to perform a quantitative analysis of the spatial variations of the measured dust optical depth at 250 mu m per hydrogen atom tau(250)/N-H. We report an increase of tau(250)/N-H by a factor of about 2 between the atomic phase and the molecular phase, which has a strong impact on the equilibrium temperature of the dust particles.
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Key words
dust, extinction,ISM: structure,evolution,infrared: ISM,ISM: individual objects: Taurus-Auriga molecular cloud
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