Comparative life cycle assessment of a MV/LV transformer with an amorphous metal core and a MV/LV transformer with a grain-oriented magnetic silicon steel core

Renzo Passaglia, R Berti,F Barberis, J Borghetto

IET Conference Publications(2009)

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DOI: 10.1049/cp.2009.0958 ISBN: 978 1 84919 126 5 Location: Prague, Czech Republic Conference date: 8-11 June 2009 Format: PDF The life cycle assessment methodology, according to iso 14040 standards, was applied to an amorphous metal core transformer and a transformer with a high permeability grain-oriented steel core, rated at 250 kVA. The aim was to evaluate and to compare the environmental performance of the two transformers, and to identify the more environmental-friendly solution. A "from cradle to grave" approach was used considering the main phases of production, transportation, use and end-of-life management of the two transformers. In this paper the main results of the assessment are presented and discussed. (4 pages) Inspec keywords: silicon; power transformers; remaining life assessment; ISO standards; elemental semiconductors Subjects: Plant engineering, maintenance and safety; Transformers and reactors
mv/lv transformer,comparative life cycle assessment,amorphous metal core,grain-oriented
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