Legal regulation of combating corruption. Report of the LSGL’s Research Group

Ivanov Eduard Aleksandrovich,van der Merwe Annette, Stevens Phillip, Bottino Thiago,Padua Lima Maria Lucia, Uema do Carmo Lie, Goldschmidt Paulo Clarindo, Estellita Heloisa,Onok Murat, Scomparin Laura, Quatrocollo Serena, Nietsch Michael, Ogowewo Tunde, R Sudarshan

Social Science Research Network(2014)

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Corruption is a serious institutional dysfunction. The lenient view of corruption as the “grease of the wheels of development” is no longer accepted. Much on the other hand, graft is currently understood as the “sand of the wheels”. As one of the main factors hindering economic and social development, the combat of corruption has become a top priority in the agendas of public and private actors, including academia.The Law School Global League has joined such efforts. It has created a group formed by scholars from several countries, including Brazil, Germany, Italy, Russia, South Africa, United Kingdom and Turkey, and organized academic conferences on the topic. This report was prepared as a contribution to the creation of a comparative critical mass regarding such serious crime. The purpose is to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge and to expand awareness of the applicable regulation and of the related institutions, mechanisms and instruments. The report based on legal regulations and judicial practice of the above countries.The second chapter addresses the general aspects of corruption. The third chapter deals with prevention of corruption in the public sector. Chapter four is dedicated to anti-corruption compliance in companies. Chapter five tackles the criminal liability for corruption. Chapter six deals with transnational enforcement of anti-corruption norms and the creation of property rights.
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