Acoustic communications for deep-ocean observatories: Results of initial testing at the MBARI MARS node


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A prototype system for connecting remote instruments to a cabled observatory is described. The system consists of base-station modems and a data acquisition system attached to the MBARI MARS observatory in 900 m water off Monterey, California, plus remote modems used for link testing. The objective of the system is to provide a drop-in capability to connect sensors on the sea-floor or on sub-sea moorings to a cabled node that would otherwise require an ROV to make a hard-wired connection. While ROV installations of sensor-to-node cables are practical for many instruments, the acoustic connection is a way of lowering the barrier to general access of cabled nodes.
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base station,mars,real time systems,system design,data acquisition,acoustics,underwater acoustic communication,sensors,cabled observatory,real time,data acquisition system
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