A Near-Optimal Protocol for Continuous Tag Recognition in Mobile RFID Systems

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking(2024)

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Mobile radio frequency identification (RFID) systems typically experience the continual movement of many tags rapidly going in and out of the interrogating range of readers. Readers that are deployed to maintain a current, real-time list of tags, which are present in the interrogating zone at any moment, must repeatedly execute a series of reading cycles. Each of these reading cycles provides the readers very limited time to identify unknown tags (those newly entering into the reader's range), and, at the same time, to detect missing tags (those just leaving the reader's range). In this paper, we study the continuous tag recognition problem, which is critical for mobile RFID systems. First, we obtain a lower bound on communication time for solving this problem. We then design a near-OPTimal protocoL, called OPT-L, and prove that its communication time is approximately equal to the lower bound. Finally, we present extensive simulation and experimental results that demonstrate OPT-L's superior performance over other existing protocols.
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