Formation of weed community in pea (Pisum sativum L.) as affected by herbicide and crop rotationKształtowanie się zbiorowisk chwastów grochu siewnego (Pisum sativum L.) pod wpływem herbicydu i następstwa roślin

Progress in Plant Protection(2015)

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Summary This paper presents the results obtained in the crop rotation experiment carried out in the years 2008–2010. It concerns weed infestation of pea (Venus variety) cultivated in six-field crop rotation: sugar beet – maize – spring barley – pea – winter oilseed rape – winter wheat, and in monoculture since 1993. Two levels of crop protection were compared: level 0 – no chemical protection, and H – with the protection of herbicide (linuron) applied after sowing at 1.5 kg/ha doses. The species composition and the number of weeds were determined at the development stage of 2–4 leaves of pea and prior to the mechanical cultivation using a frame with an area of 0.25 m 2 . On the objects without chemical protection in crop rotation and in monoculture the number of weeds amounted to 237 plants/m 2 and 614 plants/m 2 , respectively. The applied herbicide reduced the number of weeds in the crop rotation by 87.8% and by 82.5% in the monoculture. Regardless of the chosen method of crop protection, the following weed species dominated: Chenopodium album, Thlaspi arvense and Capsella bursa-pastoris. In monocultural cultivation Lycopsis arvensis, Polygonum convolvulus and also perennial weeds occurred as well.
crop rotation,monoculture
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