Uniform Beam Intensity Redistribution In The Lens Nonlinear Transport Line


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The Low Energy Neutron Source (LENS) at Indiana University is producing neutrons by using a 7 MeV proton beam incident on a Beryllium target. The Proton Delivery System is currently being upgraded [1], [2]. A new AccSys Technology, Inc. DTL section [3] win be added to increase proton beam energy from 7 to 13 MeV. A 3 MeV RFQ and 10 MeV DTL will be powered by two 1.25 MW klystrons. The goal of this upgrade is a 13 MeV, 25 mA proton beam with duty factor greater than 3%. At this power level it becomes increasingly important to make a proton beam that is uniformly distributed to prevent excessive thermal stress at the surface of the Be-target. To achieve this goal two octupole magnets are being implemented in each LENS beam transport line. In this paper we discuss the experimental results of the beam intensity redistribution as well as some features inherent in tuning of the nonlinear beamline and our operational experience.
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Key words
lenses,thermal stress,assembly,klystrons,linear accelerators,beryllium,protons,neutrons,neutron sources,magnets,linear particle accelerator
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