Parallel Slice Sampling

Springer Proceedings in Mathematics &amp StatisticsThe Contribution of Young Researchers to Bayesian Statistics(2014)

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To draw a sample of a continuous variable B from a finite measure g, using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, there is an easy algorithm named slice sampling. The two main problems of this algorithm are the solution of a inequality, involving the measure density g, which can be hard to find due to the irregularities g can be affected by, and the high dimensionality of the support of the density itself.Our aim is to create a library, using the slice sampling, to draw an MCMC sample from any density g, in particular to get a realization from the posterior density of a Bayesian model. We will present and discuss a solution and some statistical test applications, using a GPU parallel language, which is, nowadays, becoming more and more commonly employed in the context of Bayesian statistical models.
Sample Slices, MCMC Sample, Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), Statistical Test Applications, Bayesian Statistical Model
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