Innovative strategies for nutrient and disease management in Solanum tuberosum cultivation

International Journal of Chemical Studies(2019)

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Organic farming is a holistic approach to protect the environment and to maintain the soil fertility. Therefore, to minimize the use of NPK and to prevent the occurrence of blight disease in potato, a new method has been adopted in farmer field. In this method, the land is prepared by using 5 kg of Boron/ha instead of any chemical fertilizer along with vermi-compost @15 quintal/ha. The use of fungicide was superseded by cow urine, water and Jaggari for treating potato seeds. Potato seeds are treated for 12 hours with the mixture and kept under shade for drying before sowing. 25-30 Days after sowing (DAS), 12 litres of cow urine is dissolved in 150 litres of water for spraying 1ha area. 55 DAS, 1 ha land is again sprayed with the 5 kg curd of cow milk i.e. prepared with the insertion of copper coins in the mud vessel. 10 litres of water is mixed with curd and solution is prepared and used for spray. 70 DAS, spray is applied with the solution of 12 litres of cow urine prepared in 250 litres of water. It has been observed that the yield was enormous by this method. The reduction in investment cost is found as 39.07% and the increment in the production is found as 28.57% as compared to conventional method. This method enhances the phosphorus and nitrogen content in the potato. Therefore, this indigenous technology disseminated rapidly and popularized among other farmers in adjoining areas of Muzaffarpur and Samastipur district to enhance potato production organically.
solanum tuberosum,cultivation,disease management
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