Teachers' Voice: A Needs Analysis of Teachers' Needs for Professional Development with the Emergence of the Current English Textbooks

English Language Teaching(2015)

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The study attempts to reveal the attitudes' of the English teachers toward teachers' professional development, to identify the needs of English teachers for Teachers' professional development, to clarify the challenges that faced by English teachers throughout their teachers' professional development. The study uses a descriptive methods to describe and analyse the needs of English teachers for TPD. In the present study, the sample population consists of 40 EFL teachers chosen randomly, both female and male English teachers working in AL-Quwayiyah town in Saudi Arabia during the academic year 2014-2015. In order to achieve the goals of the study, two main data collection instruments are used: (1) a questionnaire and (2) semi-structured interviews. The questionnaire is consisted of three dimensions each demission has 17 multiples statements while interviews are conducted with eight English teachers both male and female English teachers in order to identify the quality of TPD they attended, their satisfaction toward the teachers' professional development, their expectations as well as their suggestions for better teachers' professional development. The findings of the study clarifies that TPD is essential and effective with the emergency of the current English textbooks. TPD increases teachers learning, achievement and improves teaching quality. As a result, teachers' professional development results in improving students' success and achievement.
teachers,professional development,needs,english
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