Teaching The Topic Of Bivariate Data Throught Of E-Learning Course, In The Class Of Statistic In The Facultad De Estudios Superiores Cuautitlan


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Regression and correlation (bivariate data) methods are used to measure the relationship between variables. On this work we are discussed techniques to study the relationship between two variables, from the construction and interpretation of scatter diagrams, the method of least squares to determine the curve of best fit, to the calculation of the coefficients of correlation and determination, as well as the way to interpret them. This platform contains the development of the subject with exercises, and the section called Aprendiendo.com. In the last section, it is provided to the student an interactive environment, using the resources available on the Internet, in such a way that cases raised to develop them learning environments that allow find knowledge, "handle it" and make it yours. With this philosophy, applets, Web sites with access to real data, software for free use and in general are used the resources of the Web 2.0, referring to a second generation in the history of the Web based on user communities, that foster collaboration and fast exchange of information between them.The objective was adapt the themes of bivariate data, in the subjects of statistics which are taught in the FESC, an e-learning model in order to (a) Optimize the content, skills and competences that students; must have (b) integration of statistical software in courses to highlight applications to problems and real contexts of concepts and methods; (c) the development of interactive materials that facilitate updating and learning by experimentation; (d) the use of a model of continuous assessment that guide and prepare the students in their training; and (g) the promotion of collaborative learning online by assigning projects and activities to be performed in groups.With the use of the information technologies allows us to implement a new concept of the use of the modern statistics to the students and this tells us that it is not as important to memorize formulas or perform complex arithmetic calculations. To the other hand, you can instead concentrate on results in a faster way using some kind of technology (software, advanced calculators, specialized web sites, etc.), then give a practical sense to the results through critical thinking.
Regression and correlation,e-learning,information technologies,dokeos
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