Efficient Optimization of H.264 Decoder on PAC Duo SoC Platform

2010 5th International Conference on Embedded and Multimedia Computing(2010)

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H.264 has become a popular video compression standard for years; however, the complexity of computation and huge amount of external data access are still the main problems. In this paper, we will propose two mechanisms to fulfill high performance H.264 baseline profile decoder on PAC Duo SOC platform. To reduce the complexity of computation, in addition to algorithm optimization, we use parallelizing method by partitioning the process of the independent data into two processor clusters of PACDSP so that they can be processed in parallel. To reduce the waiting time caused by the latency of external data access, we employ the overlapping approach so that the PACDSP always processes the data without referring to the being transferred external data According to the experimental result of eight baseline CIF sequences, the performance of H.264 decoder software utilizing the mentioned mechanisms is higher than 59.8 frames per second, in average, when runs in one PACDSP in the PAC Duo platform. H.264 has become a popular video compression standard for years; however, the complexity of computation and huge amount of external data access are still the main problems. In this paper, we will propose two mechanisms to fulfill high performance H.264 baseline profile decoder on PAC Duo SOC platform. To reduce the complexity of computation, in addition to algorithm optimization, we use parallelizing method by partitioning the process of the independent data into two processor clusters of PACDSP so that they can be processed in parallel. To reduce the waiting time caused by the latency of external data access, we employ the overlapping approach so that the PACDSP always processes the data without referring to the be-ing transferred external data According to the experimental result of eight baseline CIF sequences, the performance of H.264 decoder software utilizing the mentioned mechanisms is higher than 59.8 frames per second, in average, when runs in one PACDSP in the PAC Duo platform.
data compression,video compression,decoding,data access,parallel processing,frames per second,system on a chip,computational complexity,optimization,information retrieval
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