Traditional knowledge of edible plants among the Temuan Villagers in Kampung Jeram Kedah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Scientific Research and Essays(2011)

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The authors report a total of 69 species of edible plants used by the villagers in Jeram Kedah village. The edible parts were obtained equally from wild plants and cultivated plants. A total of 28 species were eaten cooked compared to 23 species eaten raw. Fruits and seeds were the most common parts used with a total of 38 species followed by leafy parts with 15 species. It is important not only to record such native knowledge and conduct further studies but also to take steps to conserve the genetic diversity of edible plants before they are lost to human kind forever. Traditional knowledge and usage of certain edible plants is decreasing due to various factors such as changes in culture, personal preferences, the tedious process of preparing certain food items, changes in habitat causing certain edible plants to be unavailable or less available.   Key words: Traditional knowledge, edible plants, Temuan.
edible plants,temuan villagers,traditional knowledge,kampung jeram kedah
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