Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection: This Official Statement of the American Thoracic Society was adopted by the ATS Board of Directors, July 1999. T

Pi Fujiwara,Richard F. Jacobs, Iseman,Philip C. Hopewell,JL Hadler,MJ Goldberger, P Godfrey-Faussett,JC Glassroth,W El-Sadr,MN Lobato, Dworkin,RE Comstock,RE Chaisson,KG Castro,NN Bock,NJ Binkin,Margarita E. Villarino,MA Land,Richard Menzies,JR Starke, H Sawert, Timothy Wilcosky,CC Whalen, AA Vernon, J Tsevat,DE Snider, PM Simone, SR Salpeter, GB Migliori, DN Rose,Lee B. Reichman,NL Qualls,J Neaton,EA Nardell, A Mwinga,Bess Miller, Z Taylor,CM Nolan,Richard J. O'Brien,JE Kaplan,DL Cohn, LJ Geiter, E Hershfield,Fred M. Gordin, JA Jereb, C. R. Horsburgh,TJ Jordan

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine(1999)

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