Program Assessment In A Large Undergraduate Physiology Curriculum


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Program assessment is a challenging task, especially in the Physiology Undergraduate major at the University of Arizona, which must accommodate over 2000 students in large classrooms. We describe an assessment plan that includes six student learning outcomes (SLOs). Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of cellular (SLO 1) and organ systems function (SLO 2); show the ability to integrate knowledge from the cellular and molecular to the organ system level of organization (SLO 3); effectively read, evaluate and communicate scientific information (SLO 4); conduct and/or evaluate physiology laboratory experiments (SLO 5); and demonstrate knowledge of current physiology topics (SLO 6). Faculty have developed a sustainable assessment program that includes direct and indirect measures of assessment and is being implemented over a four‐year period. The first year included assessment of SLOs 1, 2, and 3 that will be measured annually. SLOs 4, 5, and 6 will be evaluated in subsequent years on a rotating basis. Assessment activities include: 1) pre‐post clicker questions in large core courses that determine cellular and organ systems knowledge (SLOs 1, 2); 2) use of a grading rubric to assess the ability to integrate physiology in a subsample of graduating seniors participating in a focus group (SLO 3); 3) use of a grading rubric on a subsample of students in a large advanced elective course to evaluate the ability to effectively communicate scientific information (SLO 4); and 4) graduating senior surveys to obtain student ratings for program SLOs, major courses, advising and overall satisfaction with the Physiology major. The overall goal is to collect and analyze data, discuss findings with the faculty, refine the curriculum as needed, and regularly improve the assessment plan.
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