Efficacy of an electronic intervention to improve health behaviors in college students (624.32)

The FASEB Journal(2014)

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A diet and exercise intervention program was delivered by e‐mail to college students for 24 weeks to assess whether the program helped improve health habits. The intervention involved tailored, interactive diet and exercise goals. The control group received health fact sheets. Baseline, 12‐week, and 24‐week diet and exercise surveys were completed online. Height, weight, waist circumference (WC) and percent fat mass (FM%) by bioelectrical impedance analysis, were measured at each visit. Subjects were 183 healthy college students (18‐20 years), primarily female (70%) and diverse (36% African American, 33% Caucasian, 19% Asian, 4% Hispanic, 8% Other). At baseline 28% were overweight/obese by BMI, 43% had FM% higher than recommended, 90% consumed <5 fruits and vegetables daily, and 13% exceeded healthy WC guidelines. Mean baseline WC, BMI, FM%, and reported energy intake were not significantly different between control and intervention; furthermore, these measures did not change over time for either group. Healthy college students did not show significant changes in health measures after electronic intervention. Future electronic interventions in college students should focus on students who are at risk for overweight/obesity. Grant Funding Source : Supported by University of MAryland Designated Research Initiative Fund, NIH Award UL1RR031988
electronic intervention,health behaviors,efficacy,college students
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