How to create a very-low-cost, very-low-power, credit-card-sized and real-time-ready datalogger

Advances in Geosciences(2015)

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Abstract. In order to improve an existing network, a field seismologist would have to add some extra sensors to a remote station. However, additional ADCs (analogue-to-digital converters) are not always implemented on commercial dataloggers, or, if they are, they may already be used. Installing additional ADCs often implies an expensive development, or the purchase of a new datalogger. We present here a simple method to take advantage of the ADCs of an embedded computer in order to create data in a seismological standard format and integrate them within the real-time data stream from the station. Our first goal is to plug temperature and pressure sensors on the ADCs, read data and record them in mini-seed format (seed stands for Standard for the Exchange of the Earthquake Data), and eventually transfer them to a central server together with the seismic data, by using seedlink, since mini-seed and seedlink are standard for seismology.
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