Specific Cell Cultivation on Nanofibrous Layer

Advances in Science and Technology(2010)

引用 2|浏览33
Recent advances in the preparation of nanofibre layers, especially using the Nanospider™ technology, allow prepare a sufficiently large area of nanofibrous layer of reproducible thickness and structure. Subsequently, it is possible to employ these layers as cell carriers and evaluate their efficiency in laboratory bioreactors. The construction of the functional hepatal bioreactor is particularly given by the positive response of hepatocyte cells to the used carrier layer as well as by the cell morphology, their viability and biological activity in certain period of time. We compared cell growth on collagen with nanofibres electrospun from selected copolymers of methacrylic esters (HEMA/EOEMA) and from differently prepared polycaprolactone (PCL) layers. The morphology was evaluated using Phaloidin/DAPI staining. On the nanofibres based on methacrylates, the cells survived and showed a common morphology comparing with cells grown on collagen (controls). On the PCL nanofibres, the cells attached well and showed a better growth than cells grown on collagen (controls). The results obtained in laboratory bioreactor proved the biochemical functionality of the studied system.
Nanofibers,Polymer Nanofibers,Nano-composites
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