Tidal Tails of Minor Mergers II: Comparing Star Formation in the Tidal Tails of NGC 2782


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The peculiar spiral NGC 2782 is the result of a minor merger with a mass ratio similar to 4:1 occurring similar to 200 Myr ago. This merger produced a molecular and H I-rich, optically bright eastern tail and an H I-rich, optically faint western tail. Non-detection of CO in the western tail by Braine et al. suggested that star formation had not yet begun. However, deep UBVR and H alpha narrowband images show evidence of recent star formation in the western tail, though it lacks massive star clusters and cluster complexes. Using Herschel PACS spectroscopy, we discover 158 mu m [C II] emission at the location of the three most luminous H alpha sources in the eastern tail, but not at the location of the even brighter H alpha source in the western tail. The western tail is found to have a normal star formation efficiency (SFE), but the eastern tail has a low SFE. The lack of CO and [C II] emission suggests that the western tail H II region may have a low carbon abundance and be undergoing its first star formation. The western tail is more efficient at forming stars, but lacks massive clusters. We propose that the low SFE in the eastern tail may be due to its formation as a splash region where gas heating is important even though it has sufficient molecular and neutral gas to make massive star clusters. The western tail, which has lower gas surface density and does not form high-mass star clusters, is a tidally formed region where gravitational compression likely enhances star formation.
galaxies: individual (NGC 2782),galaxies: interactions,galaxies: star clusters: general,galaxies: star formation
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