An ultra-fast smoothing algorithm for time-frequency transforms based on Gabor functions

Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis(2014)

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Gabor functions, Gaussian wave packets, are optimally localized in time and frequency, and thus in principle ideal as (frame) basis functions for a wavelet, windowed Fourier or wavelet-packet transform for the detection of events in noisy signals or for data compression. A major obstacle for their use is that a tailored efficient operator acting on the transform coefficients for altering the width of the wave packets does not exist. However, by virtue of a curious property of the Gabor functions it is possible to change the width of the wave packets using just one-dimensional convolutions with very short kernels. The cost of a wavelet-type transform based on the scheme presented below is similar to that of a low order wavelet transform for a compact kernel and significantly less than the algorithme à trous. The scheme can hence easily be employed for the processing of signals in real time.
Gabor,Wavelet transform,Real time,Event detection,Discrete convolution
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