The green lacewing, Chrysoperla nipponensis in nature and in an insectary population in Korea: Song types and mitochondrial COI haplotypes

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology(2015)

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Chrysoperla nipponensis s. lat. were collected as eggs or adults at five sites in Korea, and larvae were purchased from a Korean insectary (Osang-Kinsect Co.). A minimum of five complete courtship songs (= shortest repeated units or SRUs, the phrase exchanged between partners while duetting) of each specimen of C. nipponensis s. lat. were digitally recorded and the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene was analyzed, confirming that both cryptic species, types A and B, live in Korea. Within a population of C. nipponensis s. lat. sold by a commercial insectary in Korea, individuals whose larval head markings are type A, but whose mitochondrial sequence is type B were found. We also demonstrated that although most individuals derived from the commercial insectary had type A songs, several produced songs exhibiting key elements from type B, suggesting that mixture of the two species at the time the colony was established, or possibly later.
Chrysoperla nipponensis s. lat.,Song type,Cryptic species,Korea,Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI)
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