Oral Abstract session: Diagnosis and clinical impact of imaging in valvular heart disease: Thursday 4 December 2014, 14:00-15:30 * Location: Agora

A. E. H. Amin, W. Ammar, A. A. F. Farrag, W. A. E. Elaroussy, R. Enache,B. Popescu, D. Muraru,R. Piazza, A. Calin,C. Beladan,M. Rosca,G. Nicolosi, C. Ginghina, A. Hamadanchi, B. Goebel, C. Schmidt-Winter, S. Otto, C. Jung, H. Figulla,T. Poerner, F. Bandera, G. Generati,M. Pellegrino, V. Labate, E. Alfonzetti,M. Guazzi, E. Cho, S.-J. Park, H. Lim, H. Yoon, S.-A. Chang, S.-C. Lee, S. Park,C. Henri, R. Dulgheru,J. Magne,L. Caballero,S. Laaraibi,S. Kou,D. Voilliot,L. Davin,L. Pierard,P. Lancellotti, R. Ancona, S. Comenale Pinto, P. Caso, I. Monteforte,M. Coppola, V. Sellitto, M. Izzo, M. Macrino,R. Calabro,S. Lee, H. Kim,J. Park, M. Hong,J. Kim,H. Kim,Y. Kim, D. Sohn

European Journal of Echocardiography(2014)

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Transcatheter Aortic-Valve Replacement
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