Escherichia coli J5: imunização de fêmeas bovinas leiteiras contra mastites causadas por Escherichia coli


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This paper aims to review the main aspects of coliform mastitis, specifically Escherichia coli, emphasizing the immunization of dairy cows with Escherichia coli J5 vaccine, as well as the animal risk factors. Coliforms are widespread in the environment and are of particular importance in farming systems in which the search for a greater milk quality guarantee low somatic cell counts (<150,000 cells ml(-1)). The dry period is an extremely important moment that plays crucial role in the occurrence of mastitis caused by environmental pathogens during the immediate postpartum. The dry cow therapy against environmental infections has lost effectiveness leading to the need for the combination with other methods such as immunization with Escherichia coli J5 vaccine. Due to a relatively exposed nuclear antigen, the Escherichia coli strain J5 can stimulate the production of immunoglobulins that cross-react with nuclear antigens from other bacteria. It results in immunity against a variety of bacterial genres and strains. It has been shown that the use of Escherichia coli J5 vaccine can reduce the occurrence, intensity and duration of clinical cases of Escherichia coli mastitis, besides increase the production of dairy cows. However, its role in reducing milk SCC is still controversial.
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Key words
dairy cattle,vaccine,mammary gland,coliform
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