Abstract WP248: Methods to Achieving a 9-minute Door to TPA Time


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Introduction Despite guidelines recommending “door to needle times” (DTN) of ≤60 minutes and the Target: Stroke program, the national average for stroke treatment is 79 minutes. We present the factors that have reduced DTN in our Stroke Center. Methods We retrospectively identified all patients who received IV rt-PA using our acute stroke code database, from 2007 to 2012. The patients were organized by their DTN into four groups: <20min, 20-39min, 40-59min, and ≥60min. Median NIHSS scores were calculated, along with median DTN per group and annually. We also specified median lab times, the source of the stroke code (EMS or ED), and time of day for the code. Results There were 180 patients that received IV rt-PA: 7 patients in <20min, 49 in 20-39min, 52 in 40-59min, and 72 in ≥60min. Median DTN was 14min, 30min, 46.5min, and 76min, respectively, with the overall fastest DTN being 9 minutes. Median NIHSS scores were 7, 12, 13, and 8, respectively. EMS initiated the code in 100% of the <20min cases, 45% in 20-39min, 44% in 40-59min, and 40% in ≥60min. Eighty-six percent of the <20min cases arrived during the day, as did 84% of the 20-39min, 65% of the 40-59min, and 42% of the ≥60min cases. When rt-PA was given before labs were resulted, the median DTN was 30min; otherwise, the median DTN was 54min. All cases with <20min DTN presented after May 2011, when the first such case occurred. The median DTN was 65.5min in 2007, 51min in 2008, 61min in 2009, 59.5min in 2010, 47min in 2011, and 35min in 2012. Conclusions Our experience suggests that the “Target: Stroke” strategies (EMS initiation of stroke codes, rapid triage, rt-PA before labs) can significantly reduce the time to thrombolysis. However, our significant improvement over the past two years followed a singular 13-minute DTN, which demonstrated that teamwork and passion for acute stroke care can catalyze the consistent delivery of efficient stroke treatment.
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Key words
tpa time,abstract wp248,door
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