Estimating a suitable microsatellite marker set for individual identification and parentage tests of brown bear ( Ursus arctos ) in the Akan–Shiranuka Region, eastern Hokkaido, Japan

Journal of Forest Research(2009)

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We examined 24 microsatellite markers to select those most suitable for individual identification and parentage tests of brown bears ( Ursus arctos ) based on statistical parameters and experimental error using liver samples (38 issues) from nuisance bears killed in the Akan–Shiranuka Region, eastern Hokkaido, Japan from 1996 to 2006. We found seven microsatellite markers suitable for identifying individuals (G1A, G10B, G10L, UarMU5, UarMU23, UarMU50, and UarMU51; probability of identity P id = 3.17 × 10 −7 ; probability of identity of sibs P id-sib = 2.23 × 10 −3 ), 12 microsatellite markers suitable for parentage testing when one parent is known [G1A, G1D, G10B, G10L, G10P, UarMU5, UarMU23, UarMU50, UarMU51, UarMU59, UarMU61, and UarMU64; probability of excluding one parent (PE I = 0.9991)], and 15 microsatellite markers for parentage testing when neither parents are known [three markers added to the above: G10M, G10X, and UarMU9; probability of excluding both parents (PE II = 0.9869)].
microsatellite,microsatellites,genetic markers
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