Temperature measurements of magnesium- and aluminum-based flares

Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry(2013)

Cited 10|Views3
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Experimental researches were performed in order to determine the combustion temperatures and the visible and infrared screening performances of two pyrotechnic compositions used in decoy flare systems. Morphostructural and morphochemical analyses of the combustion solid products have been correlated with the combustion temperature. For the experimental studies, visible and infrared thermography have been employed, together with dedicated software. The comparative measurements indicated that the thermovision camera enables the acquisition of more accurate results versus the optical pyrometer in terms of data processing, and that the aluminum/polyhalogenated compounds–compositions present visible and infrared screening performances superior to those based on magnesium/polyhalogenated compounds.
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Aerosols, Combustion temperature, Infrared thermography, Pyrometer, Pyrotechnics
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