Atributos físicos e químicos de um latossolo, sob diferentes sistemas de cultivo


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Different management systems impact soil physical and chemical characteristics differently. Physical and chemical attribute changes of a typical Acrustox soil submitted to different soil preparation systems were evaluated in an experiment at the Gloria/UFU farm since the year 2000. The experimental design was randomized blocks, and the experiment was conducted for seven years to evaluate some physical and chemical attributes of the soil, at the depths of 0-5; 5-15 and 15-30 cm, with different management systems of handling (conventional and conservation). The following parameters were analyzed: density, total porosity, macro and micro porosity, stability of aggregate, total organic carbon (TOC), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), nitrogen (N) and aluminum (Al3+). Statistical differences between the two management systems of handling, conservational and conventional, wasStatistical differences between the two management systems of handling, conservational and conventional, were observed. Increased density with the depth, associated with reduction of the total porosity and the relation macro/micropores as well as a lesser lesser aggregate stability of aggregate in the conventional system, was observed in relation to the conservation systems. Significant differences for the soil chemical attributes of the soil between the conservation and conventional systems, were observed only in the top 5 cm of the soil, and only for P, Ca and K. Aluminum correction was more efficient in the conventional system, due to incorporation of lime to the soil, independently of the application of gypsum.
Soil management,management systems,calcium sulfate,cerrado soils
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