Predition Equation Of Energetic Values Of Feeds For Blue-Fronted Parrot (Amazona Aestiva)


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The objective of this study was to predict the energetics values by using the data set from the metabolism assay and proximal analyses of 16 feeds (sunflower seed, oat, egg yolk, integral egg, egg white, wheat germen, wheat bran, triturated corn, jellied corn, sunflower bran, yeast, citric pulp, papaya, banana, soybean meal, extruded soybean). The prediction equations of the apparent metabolizable energy (AME), apparent nitrogen corrected (AMEn), true (TME) and true nitrogen corrected (TMEn) for blue fronted parrots (Amazon aestiva) adults in the maintenance. Based on the chemical analyses of 16 feeds and in the of metabolizable energy values (AME, TME, AMEn and TMEn) obtained from the assays with parrots, the prediction equations were determined. The parameters used for the calculations of the equations were Organic Matter (OM), Crude Protein (CP), Crude Energy (CE), Crude Fiber (CF), Ethereal Extract (EE), Ashes (As) and Free Nitrogen Extractive (FNE), analyzed in the feds. The equations to predict the metabolizable energy of the groups of feeds were determined through simple and multiple linear regressions, by using the method of stepwise of the SAS statistical package (SAS INSTITUTE, 1995). Accord to the equation it was concluded that: 1 - EE was the variable that was better correlated with the metabolizable energy (AME, AMEn, TME and TMEn) with high positive correlation; 2 - although many equations showed the R-2 above 0,90, none of them was able to predict the metabolizable energy for all feeds evaluated, probably due to the heterogeneous nature of the nutrients in the feeds.
equation, psittacines, metabolizable energy
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